Service description

Gitlab is a web based tool for collaborative development of software, providing support for git repository management and activities such as code review, incident reporting and merge handling.
Access is controlled through Edugain authentication.
It is hosted by Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (from now on referenced as OCA).
It is based on the Community Edition of Gitlab.

Quality of Service

This service is supported on a best effort basis: we will try very hard to keep it running. It is considered as critical.

Respect of the terms of use:

We grant ourselves the right to bloc/deactivate any user or project which would not comply to the terms of use.


Users can choose between 3 different levels of visibility for each repository/project

Default is Public.


Access is granted to any member of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (from now on referenced as OCA users) who are the only users allowed to create new projects. These projects must stay in the scope of their professional activities.
They are responsible for ensuring that their projects conform to the law, in particular those regarding copyright, and present terms of use.
OCA users can then grant access to any collaborator they see fit, possibly outside OCA.

Access is granted throught the eduGAIN federation (which handle all OCA accounts). If a collaborator cannot be authenticated through eduGAIN, an OCA external user account creation can be asked through OCA support.

Binary objects/huge objects

Gitlab is not a archive manager nor a backup tool. Any attempt to use it as such will be considered an abuse.
Git itself is not well suited to handle huge binary objects, the general recommendation is to keep Git repositories below 10GB. Big files that should be kept outside the git repositories includes archives, pdf, binary objects, pictures and videos. Different solutions exist to deal with such objects through git. We support Git LFS (activated on your project upon request if appropriate) but depending on your need, other solutions can be better suited. Contact the support if you need advice.